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Libichenkov Andrey Vladimirovich
Donetsk National Technical University
The project head: prof. Sporyhin V.Y.. |
Search system DonNTU. |
I was born on April, 29, 1979 in the city of Donetsk. My family: mother Libichenkova Love Fedorovna was born on July, 25, 1951 in the city of Donetsk, has received higher education on evening branch DGI (now DonNU) on a speciality " the Account and audit "; father Libichenkov Vladimir Sergeevich was born on September, 28, 1951 in the city of Donetsk, after army has received higher education on correspondence branch DPI (now DonNTU) faculty of the KITA on a speciality " Automatics and telemechanics ", has a rank of the senior lieutenant, but there is on a civil post of the main thing a mechanics " Automated concrete-olution unit "; sister Libichenkova Victoria Vladimirovna was born on May, 8, 1976, after eight classes of school has ended day time branch of Donetsk industrial technical school on a speciality "Book keeping", and then correspondence branch DonNU on a speciality " the Account and audit ", the post of the chief of a department of tax inspection of area Budyonovskogo now holds. On September, 1, 1986 I have gone to the first class of school ¹118 where has studied two years then has passed to school ¹119 where have ended eight classes. The basic hobbies in school days were a radio engineering and basketball. In 1994 I have arrived on day time branch of Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics, and in 1998 has received a honours degree of the younger expert on a speciality "Operation and repair automatics systems in the coal industry ". Has consisted in combined team of technical school on basketball, in 1996 at city competitions have taken the second place. On the third and fourth rates worked as the laboratorian in laboratory of industrial electronics which manager Demchenko Nikolay Kuzmich who has drawn my attention to computer sciences was. In 1998 I have arrived on the first rate of faculty of KITA DonNTU on a speciality "Computer systems of diagnostics in medics and technics". After a year I have decided for myself, that it is not enough of it, and have arrived parallel on the first rate in "Training center" on a speciality "Finance". In 2002 I have been enlisted in a magistracy to that was very glad. I think, that the received base of knowledge will help me to find the place in a life. I plan to be engaged in further in development of various computer systems not only in the field of medicine, but also in other areas, and also never to stop on achieved. |